We are inviting employers and neurodivergent job seekers to join us Thursday, November 30th from 10am-12pm at Drexel University for a Connect and Learn Meet-up. This event will focus on connecting job seekers with employers who have a passion for neuroinclusion. Because you have expressed interest in taking action previously, we’d like to extend the invitation to join us! If you’re interested, you can register here. (Please register by November 22nd)
As a note: you can have any role in your organization! You do not need to be in charge of hiring to participate. This is not a hiring event – you do not need to have openings in your organization.
For the job seeker:
How the event will work:
Job seekers will be stationed at individual tables, where employers will approach and get to know the job seeker. Job seekers can share their elevator pitches, resume, and/or portfolios with the employer. When the employer has provided feedback to the job seeker, they may then move to the next job seeker.
Please dress in business casual for this event.
Your role as an employer:
Note: this is a practice event for job seekers, not a hiring event…although they would be incredibly grateful if there were opportunities.
To listen to job seekers’ presentations, and then provide feedback
Provide information about your company and how someone with their skill sets could fit into your mission/organization
Provide at least one tip/encouragement for job searching
WHAT: Drexel University and West Chester University in Partnership with NEN: Philadelphia
Connect and Learn Meet-up
When: Thursday, November 30th – 10am -12 pm
Where: Behrakis Grand Hall in the Creese Student Center (3210 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia)
Walkable from
Regional Rails – 30th Street Station, 30th and Market Street
Market-Frankford or Trolleys – 33rd Street Station, 33rd and Market Street
Chestnut Garage – 3335 Chestnut Street
Drexel University Center for Autism and Neurodiversity